About Sonal

Sonal Shah has had a successful corporate career, run for local office and raised a daughter now in law school with her husband of 31 years. With help from friends and family, Sonal has turned her shattering ALS diagnosis into a newfound opportunity for public service. In this book, she advocates for the entire community of ALS patients, their families and supporters by sharing her personal journey. Reading it will not only open one’s eyes to the realities of ALS and the critical need for more research and funding, but her story also challenges each of us to actively shape our unique legacy, regardless of the obstacles in our way.

She so loves life and humanity. She clearly has been imbued with such love by her family’s traditions. She has a grandfather who worked with Mahatma Gandhi in her native India, a cousin who founded a trade union for poor, self-employed women workers there, and an uncle who ran for the State Congress in that country. At age ten, her parents taught her to serve the less fortunate – an experience that led her and her sister to donate their birthday gifts to the poor in her region. As an adult in the United States she threw herself into public action becoming a district chair and ultimately a popular candidate for Township Committee.


Bernardsville – ALS patient vows to work for cure ‘until my last drop of energy’

NJ News – ALS patient works to beat disease ‘until my last drop of energy’